Canada is Dead. Join the USA.
The country of beavers and lumberjacks is kaput. It's time for a change.
My country is dead.
I’m a first-generation immigrant. Leaving behind the communist state of China immediately after they regained control over Hong Kong, my family departed our homeland for greener pastures. Canada - then a beacon of freedom and liberty second only to the United States - was immigrant friendly and the logical choice. So, for the last 28 years of my life, I was raised, educated, and lived in Canada.
I love this country.
My fellow countrymen are kind and humble. We beat the Americans in hockey on a regular basis and successfully burned down their White House. We are a country of beautiful nature and untapped wilderness. We are a country of forgiveness and unfathomable kindness. We are one of the greatest countries in the world and I couldn’t think of living anywhere else.
So it is with great sadness for me to admit that the country I once lived in, and the country that I loved, is dead. And it’s time we join the United States.
Let’s discuss.
The Economy
To start, our economy, the engine of our country, has disintegrated. As of 2024, 25% of Canadians are living below the poverty line (compared to 12% in the United States). Nearly 2 million Canadians cannot afford to eat. Next, Canadians pay so much tax that they essentially work from January 1st to August 31st for the Canadian government. And, as of time of writing this article, the Canadian dollar has reached a historic low, at $1.44 cents to a US Dollar. Our wealthiest province, Alberta, is poorer than the poorest US state, a marked reversal from 2011, when we were wealthier than Americans.
The Canadian economy continues to bleed as our domestic businesses like Zellers and Future Shop close down whilst American businesses butcher them to pieces. Our per-capita income has declined six quarters in a row, and 80% of our economic growth is now government spending. Business productivity continues to decline, and our living standards is regressing faster than any other point in history.
There’s simply too much to cover.
When I came to Canada in 1998, it was a prosperous country. Sure, the Americans were still richer, but they weren’t significantly richer. As of now Canadian life is so far behind America it feels like we are a whole century behind our neighbour in terms of living standards. Our grocery prices are worse than the prices of food in many developing or poor third-world countries. With a whopping amount of carbon tax on each litre of fuel, Canada is no longer a livable country for most people.
The worst part of this ordeal isn’t that this is temporary. With nearly a decade of poor governance, protectionism, and non-competitive environment, talented, skilled and well-trained Canadians have all but left for the United States where taxes are lower and income is higher. With 0.7% of Canadians leaving the country each year for the United States, our best and brightest are no longer with us: James Cameron, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber (Yeah we get it), Elon Musk, and even Ted Cruz! This means that there is almost no one left in this country to help it prosper even if it wanted to. Those who remain in Canada are those who are either too corrupt, too poor, or too dependent on government (Or, like myself, too stubborn).
Despite having the third largest oil reserve, second largest uranium deposits, and largest availability of potash anywhere, we have no wherewithal or talent to use these resources to enrich ourselves. With corporate taxes at 38%, predatory regulatory environments, and weak demand due to high income taxes, almost no business can survive in Canada. In fact, we have none that stands up internationally in any meaningful way for a country of such immense material abundance.
So? Our economy is dead. It’s six feet underground. And it ain’t coming back.
The Culture
Canadians like to think ourselves as high-and-mighty when compared to our neighbour of the south. We see ourselves as more loyal to The United Kingdom and our British traditions. We enjoy free universal healthcare. We have (or maybe had) less crime. And we have better hockey.
But are we better?
To start, the UK is falling apart. Prince Andrew is quite possibly a pedophile. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have become the picture perfect example of a royal farce. In addition to the abject failures of the ruling family, London is overrun with Muslim violence and the UK’s immigration policy is bent on replacing its own domestic population. Is associating with the United Kingdom even prudent at this point in time?
Geographically, 90% of Canadians live within just 160 kilometres (or 100 miles) of the United States, or about one to two hours of driving. We are not separated physically in any meaningful way from the Americans except artificial borders. Furthermore, despite being a bilingual country, the vast majority of Canadians are not, nor are attempting to be, bilingual despite having two official languages. And as such, we are heavily influenced by American culture and language to the point that we don’t really have our own linguistic identity at all.
As mentioned in my previous article, a strong domestic culture is resistant to cultural invasion by foreign powers. However, as 20% of Vancouver is Chinese, and and 47% of Toronto are immigrants, there is no longer a dominant domestic culture. Instead, we have Indians defecating on our beaches, foreigners stealing cars at an unprecedented rate in Toronto, immigrants being the most dominant group on the most wanted list, and Chinese interference in Canadian elections. Heck, we even have Chinese police stations in Canada! The local culture has entirely been replaced by people who do not inherit traditional Canadian values at all. What do we even have left as an identity? What “traditions” do we even have at this point?
Our culture and tradition are no more. We have no meaningful cultural output in terms of film, literature, music, arts or television. Canada’s cultural landscape is overrun by the garbage and indecency that our globalist state has imported. And the imported trash have taken over.
Oh and before you go on about healthcare, it’s completely broken. 6 million Canadians, or 16% of our population, do not have access to doctors. So instead of treating sick people, we kill them with medically assisted suicide. In fact, a former Olympian and veteran who wanted a wheelchair ramp at home was offered medically assisted suicide. Is this a functioning and robust healthcare system? What is the point of free healthcare if you can’t access it?
Culturally, we are dead. Nothing we thought was a part of our identity exists in any meaningful way.
The Politics
An election is most certainly forthcoming in Canada in 2025. However, who do we have as choices?
It’s evident that Justin Trudeau is no longer the leader we want. But we couldn’t possibly vote in borderline-communist NDP. Nor could a separatist Bloc Quebecois ever hope to take power. The only remaining candidate would be Pierre Polievre, who is a career politician who talks a good game but has almost no connection to the average Canadian. Rather than bringing decisive change, he would at best be a Trudeau-lite with very little to offer in terms of making Canada better. Unfortunately, the only person who can make a difference, Mr Maxime Bernier, heads a party that no one would vote for as everyone is too worried about vote splitting, and no one wants to vote on principle. This means that, even if we had a new leader in place, there is almost no chance that we will have the kind of prosperity and cultural revitalization that America will have with policies under the Trump administration. While America grows and prospers, Canada will continue to wither and die.
Canada, in its current form, will never produce the kind of administrators that we need in sufficient numbers to make meaningful changes. Nor will we have the will of the people to vote for them into power. In British Columbia, whether through Dominion Voting Machine cheating or through real results, our election allowed the left-wing NDP party to regain control of provincial politics after years of failures. Either we have no defence against fraudulent voting, or our population is simply too asleep at the wheel to care.
Furthermore, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is also dead. Our court system refuses to hear cases that challenge the validity of government orders that violate our constitutional rights. And lower courts lack the judicial bravery to take on the simplest of cases that do the same. Even our armed forces are disrespected by the judiciary system. And when we tried to defend our rights, the police let loose their beasts of burden to trample peaceful protesters. If we don’t have a legislative branch that respects our charter and constitution, and if we don’t have a judicial system that upholds our rights, and if we don’t have an executive branch that sides with the people, then our country is dead, constitutionally.
Nationalism and Globalism are over.
It’s easy to label what we want in the future, a prosperous and wealthy Canada, as Nationalism because we blatantly reject Globalism, an agenda proposed by manipulators hiding in the shadows. But what the future holds really isn’t either of these two extremes. Instead, it is valuism - the formation of new nations or systems of governance based on shared values and beliefs.
There is no scenario where Canada joining the United States isn’t a win-win for both countries. Canada has massive amounts of natural resources, land mass, and clean water. The United States has a powerful military, constitutional authority, and the most pervasive economy in the world. Combined, we would prosper as a single contiguous identity in ways we couldn’t possibly imagine.
Our relationship is not one of animosity or adversity, but one of symbiosis. The United States wants Canada. But Canada also needs the United States. Together, as the United States of America and Canada, we can be the guiding light of the world’s new Golden Age.
The alternative is so much worse. Canada continuing down this path of milquetoast mediocrity and taxing of the productive people to feed the poor means we won’t have a country left. At which point, it’s not just the United States that will take us, but rather the Indians, the Chinese, and anyone that doesn’t have any of our values. So the question becomes: do we want to eat chow mein and curry for the rest of our lives, or do we want to make our lives better?
I can’t think of any sensible, hard-working, and intelligent Canadian who would be opposed to lower taxes, more income, and more reward for their talent. But I can think of every reason that a lazy sloth would propose to not join America, where they’ll stop getting government handouts and have to work for a change. However, since they voted Trudeau into power, who is a globalist, they should follow the wish of their master - give up their Canadian identity once and for all and let someone else call the shots.
Nice censorship, chinaman. I can do this all day. Your not from here you dont speak on behalf of Canada your an interloping migrant who arrived all of yesterday, historically speaking. The most revolting thing I've seen in my country are the self entitled migrunts (yes grunts,) who sit atop their little soap boxes to lecture us on what 'is'
Yours is a servile race of grunts who's only crowning achievement was to lick the boot of the British Empire for a brief period before that trash heap of an island was tossed back in your faces. Enjoy the opium.
Your welcome to fuck off back to Hong Kong as you'll never be one of us, never understand us, and never speak for us. Canada predates your entire genetic lineage.